A production of Tanzschmiede / Fucinadanza
Strive is an engaging dance performance about the striving nature in humans:
Four performers on stage are working towards becoming better, bigger, reaching for more. Compounding beats create worlds around the dancers wherein they can play their striving games.
When is striving vanity and when is it needed?
The starting point for the piece came from ‚burn outs’ in the choreographer’s network and the experiences she encountered by locating her base to the Netherlands, where burn outs have sharply increased.
The dance took inspiration from other artworks and related contents cruising the worldwide web: illustrations by Al Margen, the animation film ‚Happiness’ by Steve Cutts, the Rally by Donald Trump (Trump’s speech March 10, 2018), as texts by Kahli Gibran and Gabor Mate.
Concept: Martina Marini and Anastasia Kostner
Choreography: Anastasia Kostner with dancers
Dance: Camilla Bundel, Christian Guerematchi, Riccardo Meneghini, Anastasia Kostner
Music: Rutger Muller
Consultancy: Hayley Adams
PRODUCTION: Tanzschmiede | Fucina Danza
Management: Claudia Jocher
Supervision: Martina Marini
WITH THE SUPPORT OF: Autonome Provinz Bozen, Region Trentino Alto Adige, Gemeinde Meran, Südtiroler Sparkasse
Photos by Maarten van der Glas, Ewald Kontschieder and PinkB!nk