Europeada Project
The Europeada project invites 22 individuals from different European minorities on stage. Previously held interviews create a dance, visuals and music performance, giving space to common thoughts, situations and feelings these minority groups might share.
The possibility for these minorities to perform all next to each other allows groups to connect, groups who sometimes had been in wars for decades against each other. We want to show the specialty of each minority, as well as celebrating the fact of being able to come together and to cherish each one’s uniqueness together. Symbolically speaking, showing our co-existence, sharing history as well as resources, in constant development.
The performance includes following minority groups and has potential for expansion:
Nordschleswig, The Manx, Hungarians in Romania, Sydslesvig, Serbs in Germany, Occitania, Raetoromans, Oberschlesien, Roma, Russlanddeutsche, Crimean Tatars, Vlach, Hungarians in Romania, Slovaci, Croats in Serbia, Ungarndeutsche, Serbs in Coratia, Kärntner Slowenen, South Tyrol, Zimbern, Ladins.
Photo credit: FUEN Museum Ladin