The piece Esperiënzes speaks about the research about the roots of the dancer Anastasia Kostner, which come from a minority region in Italy, called 'Ladin'. Etruscan roots merged with Roman influences created a little minority which still survives nowadays in parts of Itlay and Svitzerland. How she experiences being 'Ladin' in the nowadays world, is shown in this piece, including materials from her ancestors, as well as music, including bands from that region. The piece lightens on the topics of 'development', 'modernisation' and 'identity' in a humorist and poetic way.
Esperiënzes premiered 2015 at the Tessman Library (Bolzano), and was further performed at the Aterteater Festival (IT) and the Circolo Gröden (IT) in collaboration with Noluntas Band (IT) and video art from Indivisuals (NL).
Photo credit: Maarten van der Glas, Simon Perathoner, USC di ladins, Ursula Tavella