Dance Scapes
Sight Specific Performance goes into an interrelation with the surrounding and integrates itself with the speciality of the space and the people who visit it. In this context, each space will have a different choreographic writing and as follows, a different experience for the audience. The goal of the project is to bring dance out of the theatre into different spaces and situations (video projection), encountering people who are new to dance.
04.05.2018 Castelfeder (IT)
12.04.2018 TED x Breda (NL) with Irma De Vries
18.05.2018 Broedplaatsedagen ACTA (NL)
30.08.2018 Alplanfolkfestival (IT)
31.08.2018 Alplanfolkfestival (IT) with Irma De Vries
01. / 02.12.2018 Dance Hack (SF) with Irma De Vries
2020 - 2021 SOFT with Hayley Matthews
Performance at Castelfeder
This project is supported by:
Surely part of a movement, I had the pleasure to be part more of performances this year, which also work with sight specific dance work: ‘Tanz und Orgel’ with Constanze Schweizer Elser, ‘Writing the mountains’ by Mathilde Rosier, ‘Deladanse’ by Originally Fake, ‘New Path’ with Jerke van den Braak. And future performances are planned, in collaboration with choreographer Sanne Clifford (NL) and Hayley Matthews (UK).
Fotos: Maria Stijger Aramburu
Alplanfolkfestival, still foto taken from a video by the festival’s promotion
In collaboration with Irma de Vries (Dance Hack, TedX, AlPlan)